Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Music City Bowl: Part Deux

While the Peach Bowl would have been nice, I'm still pretty pumped about the Music City Bowl. This is me last year, and we can only hope that we can duplicate the weather. For those of you who made it down the Catsville last year, you all know how much fun we had. I have a free place to stay, thanks Adam, and a ticket reserved, thanks Bart.

We have a little more high profile opponent in Florida State this year, but since we beat his son last year; it shouldn't be too hard to beat up on his old man. While Florida State isn't the Florida State of years past it is still a great opponent for Kentucky in terms of recruiting and program prestige. The Cats will need to be ready to play though, the 'Noles will be no pushover. This is a big opportunity for the Cats. Its a chance to show the rest of country just how far we have come as a program. I am eagerly looking forward in seeing the "Blue Mist" descend on Nashville ;and spending another New Years in Tennessee. Hey, at least its not Knoxville. Congratulations to the Cats on back-to-back bowl appearances.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Nice pic at the music city bowl. Could that have come from my camera?

why didn't you post AK passed out in the 4th quarter.

Did i mention how disappointed in you i am that you aren't holding a shaker in the pic....get your act together if you want to sit with us again this year!