Monday, December 03, 2007

Monday Night Quick Hitters

Last week a few of my points were valid and a few were proved to be wrong. Oh well you can't win em all. Here's the second installment of the Monday Night Quick Hitters. Enjoy.
  • Indiana Football is the feel-good story of the year. Lets all cheer them on in the Insight bowl against Oklahoma State. Congrats Hoosiers!
  • This years Music City Bowl is even better than last years considering the fact that we are playing FSU and Bobby Bowden. Win this game and its instant national recognition coupled with a huge recruiting boost.
  • Ohio State will be a career 0-9 against SEC opponents in bowl games after the Bayou Bengals take care of business in their back yard. My how Ohio State had hoped that Mizzou would have won.
  • Anybody think that West Virginia had already reserved their hotel in New Orleans BEFORE they played Pitt? I can't say that I blame them, but come on boys you have to show up, especially for the "Back Yard Brawl".
  • Hawaii and Georgia is quite an interesting match up, and should be a hell of a game... maybe.
  • Alex Leigon... we hardly knew ya.
  • Patrick Patterson is a beast and WILL BE an All-American in the future.
  • Rupp Arena was Rupp Arena on Saturday, at least for a half.
  • For once Rich Brooks will be the young guy.
  • As of this very second while typing this, the Pats are getting beat 17-10. I have this little feeling deep inside that tonight could be the night that Don Shula pops the champagne, however it could just be the Chipotle I ate tonight.

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